
Henry and Mudge

The Henry and Mudge books are really cute beginner chapter books.
This one motivates me to be more creative and keep those random boxes and create something really fun!
L wrote:
Once upon a time there was a boy named Henry his dog named Mug. Mug was big. He had an old boot.
Henry was bord because it was wet. They bilt a castll. They uesd the refrigurater box and the stove box that came in new.


Lots of FUN reading...

We have enjoyed lots of fun reading each day this past week. I just have not taken the time to write about our experiences. Also, to incorporate writing into our summer I am going to have L and J start writing about our experiences, what they like/dislike, or an adventure that they make up based on something we have read. Already the summer feels like it is cruising by...
Here are few of the books that we have read this past week that we recommend (and it does include a few Christmas books, as we have read several this week)!
Polar Express
Olive the Other Reindeer
5 Minute Princess Stories
L picked this book out at an auction several years ago and it has been nicest thing to read "shorter" versions of the sometimes long princess stories!
Clifford Hello Reader Series
Donald Duck's Big Surprise
The Best Nest
After we read this book as a family we were talking about the lesson of the story. L said "home is best."
The Original Pop-Up Tale of Peter Rabbit
(we really like the pop-ups and illustrations in this book)


Here Comes Mercy!

We were introduced to the Mercy Watson books by Kate DiCamillo when L was in Kindergarten. I really enjoy reading these books both for the words and for the pictures. The illustrations are bright and colorful and make the stories come alive.
Last night we read Mercy Watson: Something Wonky This Way Comes. Mercy is a pig who LOVES butter especially on toast. We were only going to read a chapter or two before bed, but we ended up reading the whole thing because it was so funny and we had to see how it was going to end. Mercy is searching for movie popcorn with lots of butter in this one. It definitely had me craving some buttery kernels!
A big Happy Birthday to my L! We had fun playing today!


the story project

As we were cleaning our house this weekend I had a brilliant idea for my little friends (aka..my children) and me! To encourage reading and to limit the amount of summer brain drain we are setting the goal to read every children's book in our house (excluding the Christmas ones) by the end of summer break!
I have had a vision in my head for the past several weeks that we are going to enjoy our summer and have quiet, reading time each day. Downtime is what I am looking forward too!
We will review the books that we read each day and post about them on this blog(this gives us some daily motivation)! All 5 of us are on board and excited to explore for the first time or re-explore the books that we have.
We have also signed up for the summer reading program at our local library so we get to earn prizes along the way and my friends each have a chart to mark their progress!
Happy Summer Reading!